Thursday, September 10, 2009


No, this is not about a new release, but to link to a scan of the TP releases.

Volume 2 and 3 have been scanned, with the rest coming eventually. With this, I can instead concentrate of the later volumes.

- AirMaster

Monday, April 20, 2009


Ok, here's a status update.

Mobile Suit Gundam: The Origin volume 1

  • Section I: DONE
  • Section II: TL-Check
  • Section III: TL-Check
  • Section IV: 50%

I should be done with the translation of volume 1 by the end of the week, then work on EdC volume 2. After that, it's all waiting on the editor/photoshopper.

- AirMaster

Friday, February 6, 2009

First release!

We're glad to post here our very first release!

École du Ciel volume 1

There will be a version 2 of this later on, but for now, enjoy!

- BT Scans

EDIT: Dead links everywhere!

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Status: update!

Yes, I know we're late. I'm posting because of that.

While working on volume 1, we noticed that we were missing a few pages. Well, we just got all of them thanks to Deacon. So hopefully, we'll be able to release the completed volume soon.

Thanks for your patience.

- AirMaster

Thursday, January 1, 2009


First volume of École du Ciel is almost done. Still needs a few adjustments and whatnot.

Expect a release sometime next week!

- AirMaster